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Update: I recommend using the log and kernel-log crates for kernel logging. For more information, visit Kernel Driver with Rust in 2022.


Printing is important. If something doesn't work, you want to know why (e.g. by looking at the console output). When I first wrote the log macro for my kernel driver I didn't think much about the security. I just thought: "Surely nobody will call it with the wrong format specifiers or the wrong number of arguments, because the usage is simple and straightforward".

As you probably can guess, this is against all the principles of Rust. If you use unsafe you need to ensure that the implementation is safe. This way you can be sure that the driver will be fine when there are no compiler warnings.

So let's make it a little safer.

Determining the problem

I already gave it away. The problem is the variadic function DbgPrint which does not verify whether you called it with the correct parameters. So there's no link between the arguments and format specifiers. Thus it would be possible to do something like this with our current implementation:

log!("[%i] %s (%p)", "0", 0);

In the best case we just crash, but this can also be exploited and be a critical security vulnerability. In fact, this is exactly what Format String Attacks do. If you are interested in this topic, I recommend checking out the article Exploiting Format String Vulnerabilities from 2001.

Solution 1

Hmm, so can't you just compare the format specifier count with the number of arguments? Well yes, but actually no. In order to better understand the reason behind this, here's the macro from the last post.

macro_rules! log {
    ($string: expr, $($x:tt)*) => {
        unsafe {
            $crate::DbgPrint(concat!("[>] ", $string, "\0").as_ptr(), $($x)*)

We could theoretically check the number of the format specifiers using something like .matches("%").count(), but this is already flawed. We also need to check whether the format specifier even exists, as you can pass a percent sign whenever you want. As you can see, this gets complicated fast.

Another problem is the counting of the parameters as we are just accepting any TokenTree elements and pass it to DbgPrint. We could just update the repetition to $($x:expr $(,)?)* but then we also need to somehow get the count. This requires some tricks, but luckily other people already thought about this.

To summarize: We would need to check for every possible use case which is really complex and error-prone. These checks also only happen at runtime so we need to think about how we would want to handle those errors. Do we panic? Do we just do nothing? Do we print an error message? This slows down development and testing drastically as there's no instant feedback from the compiler anymore.

Maybe there's an easier way to do this.

Solution 2

When I posted the article Writing a kernel driver with Rust on Reddit, /u/daniel5151 pointed out that the log macro can be pretty dangerous.


When I first looked at the source code of the mentioned library, I didn't realize that it was using the format_args macro. A short time later, czapek mentioned that I could use format_args which would allow me to replicate the printing macros of the standard library.

After taking a closer look at the Github repository, I noticed that it was also using format_args so I decided to create a library for kernel drivers. Let's explore how this works.

If you would have access to the standard library, you could use ToString to convert the return value of the format_args macro. However, as the String type is not available in the core library, we cannot use that. A workaround for this would be the alloc crate, but I didn't like this approach as it requires a custom allocator and heap allocations. You might now wonder: Is it possible to convert it to &str? Well, I'm glad you asked. Recently a new feature called fmt_as_str has been added, but as of the release date of this post, it's still fairly limited. Currently, you can only get the formatted string if it has no arguments. So if we also wanted to use arguments, we would have to use a hybrid approach:


use core::fmt::Arguments;

fn write_str(_: &str) {
    /* ... */

fn write_fmt(args: &Arguments) {
    if let Some(s) = args.as_str() {
    } else {

If you look closely, you can see the to_string call, so we are back to zero. So is there any way that we can the formatted string slice? Let's look at the documentation of format_args! again. Maybe we missed something.

This macro produces a value of type fmt::Arguments. This value can be passed to the macros within std::fmt for performing useful redirection. All other formatting macros (format!, write!, println!, etc) are proxied through this one. format_args!, unlike its derived macros, avoids heap allocations.

Hmmm, so all these links are referencing the standard library. The reason behind this is probably to have all the documentation in one place as it is just reexporting it from the alloc crate (which actually reexports it from the core crate).

The only macro that exists in the core crate is write!. After reading the documentation, you'll quickly realize that it's quite similar to the format_args! macro. Instead of return fmt::Arguments it writes it to a buffer. There's one example that caught my eye.

use core::fmt::Write;

struct Example;

impl Write for Example {
    fn write_str(&mut self, _s: &str) -> core::fmt::Result {

let mut m = Example{};
write!(&mut m, "Hello World").expect("Not written");

It seems like we can use the Write trait to specify where we want to write to. In this example, we'll probably get the formatted string slice as a parameter for the write_str trait function. As I'm not 100% sure about that, I'm using the option to run the code sample on the Rust Playground by clicking on the Run button in the top right corner. When I adjust the source code to actually pass a parameter and print it, it works as expected.

extern crate core;
fn main() {
    use core::fmt::Write;
    struct Example;
    impl Write for Example {
        fn write_str(&mut self, _s: &str) -> core::fmt::Result {
             println!("{}", _s);
    let mut m = Example{};
    write!(&mut m, "Hello World: {}", 42).expect("Not written");

But having to call write! whenever we want to log something to the console is pretty complicated. I'm sure there's a better way to do this. We can again look at the source code and try to understand how it works. Luckily it's just a simple wrapper that calls the write_fmt function with the return value of the format_args! macro.

#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
macro_rules! write {
    ($dst:expr, $($arg:tt)*) => ($dst.write_fmt($crate::format_args!($($arg)*)))

Finally! That's exactly what I was looking for. A way to use the result of format_args (which has the type fmt::Arguments). In this case, we just have to implement the Writer trait and create our own write_str function which then prints the formatted string. That's actually easier than I thought it would be.

So let's start by creating our structure and implement Write.

pub struct KernelWriter;

impl core::fmt::Write for KernelWriter {
    fn write_str(&mut self, s: &str) -> core::fmt::Result {

pub fn __kernel_println(msg: &str) -> core::fmt::Result {
    unsafe { ntapi::ntdbg::DbgPrint(msg.as_ptr() as _) };

If you read the previous article, you'll notice that I'm not using the winapi crate. After I published the article I remembered that the ntapi crate exists. There's also a kernel feature which can be used in our driver. We can add the following to our Crates.toml and then we are good to go:

ntapi = { version = "0.3.4", default-features = false, features = ["kernel"] }

Okay, but having to instantiate the KernelWriter structure and calling the methods whenever we want to print things is a lot of effort and kind of complicated. We can replicate macros like println! and dbg! but we should also create some helper methods that make using it easier.

impl KernelWriter {
    pub const fn new() -> Self {

    pub fn write_fmt(&mut self, args: core::fmt::Arguments) -> core::fmt::Result {
        core::fmt::Write::write_fmt(self, args)

    pub fn write_str(&mut self, s: &str) -> core::fmt::Result {
        core::fmt::Write::write_str(self, s)

    pub fn write_nl(&mut self) -> core::fmt::Result {

The constructor and write_nl should be self-explanatory. When you see write_fmt and write_str you might wonder why those exist. Well, if you wanted to use the kernel writer and call the functions defined in the Write trait (like write_fmt or write_fmt), you would have to import the trait or call it directly.

Importing the trait inside a macro won't work as it's possibly redefining it. The following code will fail with the error error[E0252]: the name Write is defined multiple times.

macro_rules! kernel_println {
    ($($arg:tt)*) => {
        use core::fmt::Write;

        let mut writer = KernelWriter::new();

fn test_println() {
    kernel_println!("Hello World");
    kernel_println!("Hello World");

We could wrap the entire macro inside {} so we can import it for different scopes. I didn't like that approach, that's why I decided to just call the function directly. We could also just do that in the macro, but moving it to the structure reduces the amount of code we have to write.

Okay, so we finished the writer implementation, now we can finally implement our macros. They are pretty straightforward. We can just create a new KernelWriter instance, call format_args and pass it to write_fmt.

macro_rules! kernel_println {
    () => { $crate::kernel_println!("") };
    ($($arg:tt)*) => {
            let mut writer = $crate::writer::KernelWriter::new();
            let _ = writer.write_fmt(format_args!($($arg)*));
            let _ = writer.write_nl();

Everything that has been mentioned until here has already been implemented in the rust-libc-print project. When I was looking through the issues, I noticed that someone was asking about the dbg! macro as it hasn't been implemented yet. I wasn't sure if that's even possible, so I decided to take a look at the macro definition.

It turns out that it only uses the println! macro combined with file!, line! and stringify!. We can just copy the code, update the println! macro to use our custom macro and we are done. Pretty easy, right?

macro_rules! kernel_dbg {
    () => {
        $crate::println!("[{}:{}]", file!(), line!());
    ($val:expr) => {
        // Use of `match` here is intentional because it affects the lifetimes
        // of temporaries -
        match $val {
            tmp => {
                $crate::println!("[{}:{}] {} = {:#?}",
                    file!(), line!(), stringify!($val), &tmp);
    // Trailing comma with single argument is ignored
    ($val:expr,) => { $crate::dbg!($val) };
    ($($val:expr),+ $(,)?) => {

Alright, let's use the logging crate in the existing driver project and add the following.

pub extern "system" fn driver_entry() -> u32 {
    kernel_print::kernel_dbg!(2 + 2);
    kernel_print::kernel_print!("{} + {} = {}\n", 2, 2, 2 + 2);
    kernel_print::kernel_println!("{} + {} = {}", 2, 2, 2 + 2);

    0 /* STATUS_SUCCESS */

Wait, if you try to run it, it doesn't work? That's weird. Why does it work when using rust-libc-print but not for our implementation?

[:]  = src/]  = 56]  = 2 + 2 = 0„û…Šÿÿ4 
 + 2 + 2 = 4 
 + 2 + 2 = 4 

After some time and looking at the output, I recognized patterns. Between the strings, there are non-printable bytes and at the end, there's û…Šÿÿ4. Wait a minute, does the writer not know where our strings end? That's it. The strings in rust are not null-terminated (\0) so when we pass the string as a pointer to DbgPrint there's no way it can know where it ends.

Alright, we know what's wrong but how can we fix it? Well, it's not that simple. Currently, we know the exact size of the string that needs to be printed so it can be allocated on the stack. If we wanted to add additional characters, there's no way to guarantee that we have enough space on the stack.

To get around this, we have to use a custom allocator. I really tried to avoid it, but it seems like it's the only way. I decided to create a crate so that other people can also use it.

The implementation is simple and straightforward. We just need to implement the GlobalAlloc trait. You also need to implement the definitions and an allocation error handler, which have been left out for the sake of simplicity.

pub struct KernelAlloc;

unsafe impl GlobalAlloc for KernelAlloc {
    unsafe fn alloc(&self, layout: Layout) -> *mut u8 {
        let pool = ExAllocatePool(PoolType::NonPagedPool, layout.size());

        if pool.is_null() {
            panic!("[kernel-alloc] failed to allocate pool.");

        pool as _

    unsafe fn dealloc(&self, ptr: *mut u8, _layout: Layout) { ExFreePool(ptr as _); }

If you want to use the allocator in your project, you have to define a global allocator. If you are developing a library, you don't need to do that. You can just specify that you need to use the alloc crate and if someone tries to use this library without an allocator, an error will be shown. If you want to use the library, you have to add the following code:

static GLOBAL: KernelAlloc = KernelAlloc;

Now that we can allocate memory on the heap, we have to think about the best way to utilize this. Because the strings passed to the DbgPrint function are the primary problem, we can just append the null terminator.

unsafe { ntapi::ntdbg::DbgPrint(alloc::format!("{}\0", msg).as_ptr() as _) };

Let's try to run our example driver again. Awesome, it works!

[src/] 2 + 2 = 4 
2 + 2 = 4 
2 + 2 = 4

Solution 3

The previous implementation is pretty complicated and can be simplified now that we are using an allocator anyway. Instead of using format_args! and then passing the result to core::fmt::Write, we can just directly call format!. This would then look something like this:

let string = alloc::format!($($arg)*);

I decided to update the __kernel_println function so that we can pass both &str and String but still append the null-terminator. This way we can easily pass the output of format! without having to update the already written code. Using Into<String> also reduces the number of allocations because only string slices (&str) need to be converted.

pub fn __kernel_println<S: Into<String>>(string: S) -> core::fmt::Result {
    // Add the null-terminator to the string.
    let string = {
        let mut temp = string.into();

    // Print the null-terminated string.
    unsafe { ntapi::ntdbg::DbgPrint(string.as_ptr() as _) };



This post basically only exists because I was lazy I thought that it's just a proof of concept, that the usage is clear and that I can worry about the safety later. Even though I was only playing around, I should have implemented it properly in the first place to spare me the trouble later on. I hope you learned something from my mistakes. An example utilizing the kernel-print crate can be found in the kernel-driver-with-rust repository.

Shoutout to /u/daniel5151 and czapek for recognizing the problem and providing helpful information, resources and examples.

Thanks for reading!